PK Anderson Writes

Uhh How Do I Tweet?

Pulp Tree Farm along my walk

So as a new author, about to be published, I’ve been exploring how to market my books. I also consider it research for when my side hustle, Columbia Gorge Publishing, LLC, starts publishing other authors works.

So what have I learned?

Every first book sucks. And the author doesn’t think it sucks. Which really has me doubting my plan of publishing three books in the next three months. What was I thinking?And I let my former classmates know my author name, so again, what was I thinking?

Apparently a well respected way to advertise your book and engage readers is to tweet. But the trick is only advertise your stuff 20% of the time and the rest is sharing other people’s stuff. Huh, so its safe to say I have no idea how to use the twitter platform. So if you want to follow me on Twitter you can find me @author_pk . I will endeavor to be witty and worthy of following. LOL.

So all these thoughts about book promotions stressed me out. What do I do when I’m stressed? I love going for a walk down a country road around the corner from my house that is lined with pulp trees. These trees are grown for a few years and then harvested for the pulp to make paper products like toilet paper or paper towel, and then the land is replanted.

Pulp tree growers out in eastern Oregon put plaques with the year planted along the highways so people driving through can see how quickly these trees grow. I will one day write a horror book involving these pulp tree farms. They are spooky when the sun goes down.

By PK Anderson

Pilar Anderson is a new author publishing under the name of PK Anderson. Watch for her first series coming soon called Aspen Ridge Beginnings. The first book in the series, Visions of Aspen Ridge will be available on Amazon soon.

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