PK Anderson Writes

The Animals are Driving me Crazy!

Cooper pouting below my desk. Ignore my sandals and lack of pedicure. LOL!

Today I have a stand off between Kitty Girl aka Shitty Kitty and my boy Cooper. He wanted to be in my home office with me while I worked on my book, and she wants to be in the office to sleep in her sweet kitty bed. As you can imagine when two furry creatures hate each other it doesn’t make for a blissful experience. So I am definitely not in my Zen Writing mode. My Author’s Domain is experiencing disquiet.

About a week ago, I was home with a headcold and working. My day had been filled with online calls, and I was just called on to present the safety statistics for a certain area where I work. I started talking just as Cooper came into the office, spotted kitty on the couch and lunged for her. I told everyone on the call I had to stop a dog and cat fight, and ripped my headset off to grab kitty away from Cooper. He had his jaws completely around her belly, but wasn’t hurting her. I grabbed her got her out of the office and back into her family room spare bedroom dog free space.

When I got back on the call, everyone was laughing and I started presenting again. Once I was done, I said does anyone have any questions? Guess what their questions were! Did I have the fight on video!

By PK Anderson

Pilar Anderson is a new author publishing under the name of PK Anderson. Watch for her first series coming soon called Aspen Ridge Beginnings. The first book in the series, Visions of Aspen Ridge will be available on Amazon soon.

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