PK Anderson Writes

September Goes Out Like A Lion

Yesterday, Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away at age 87. I am not a political person, but this hit me hard. I loved the strong woman she presented to young women everywhere. I think I was blessed to have her as a role model. And I want to thank her for all the work she did to uphold justice.

So I’m in final edits in my first book, Gingerbread Heart, to publish to Amazon, just in the time for the holiday season. I’ve always been a huge fan of short holiday reads (10,000 words) and I can read when I need to feel good.

As a new author, I’m excited and psyching myself out at the same time. I saved up money over the last year, in order to publish this book. No one really tells you that there is quite a bit of expense to self publish. And I took the added step of creating my own independent publishing company because I plan to write series rather than just stand alone books. I’m watching a lot of YouTube videos on self publishing. There is a lot of truth to the statement that you don’t know what you don’t know.

In addition to writing, I also work full time in a manufacturing facility, and am classified as “An Essential” worker. I’ve worked there for the last 15 years, and started there the day after I married Mr Anderson. My dream is to leave this job behind and write about everything. And to be able to make a living at it.

I hope you find this blog and I hope that you give my books a try. For all the heroes out there putting in time to help with forest fires and protect, please keep going. You are important.

By PK Anderson

Pilar Anderson is a new author publishing under the name of PK Anderson. Watch for her first series coming soon called Aspen Ridge Beginnings. The first book in the series, Visions of Aspen Ridge will be available on Amazon soon.

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