PK Anderson Writes

Pets Are Life

Kitty Girl AKA shitty kitty is up in my business!

Happy Saturday! I’m hanging out in my cold home office in our house’s basement. Its cold enough that I’ve layered a maxi skirt over my leggings to add additional warmth. Kitty Girl decided that she was going to make a play to perch right on my shoulder/chest in an attempt to soak up my body heat. She was happy and purring, I was not happy!

You don’t need to type, love me!

This weekend I have have weekend duty for the facility I work with, so I have to carry two phones with me (personal and business). I’m also calling to follow up from a covid tracking standpoint any employees that may have called in sick for their shifts. I realize that I am blessed to have the job I do, but I also realize that I have goals to make income streams from other areas like writing or publishing so I can eventually leave the job I’m in. I believe in making your own destiny, but you may have to scrape, claw or crawl your way there. Never give up.

So I am actually a dog lover, but kitty girl has latched herself onto our family. She has been with us I think 7-8 years, never left while we had to move somewhere near by to rebuild our house after a devastating fire. But she is mean to all of us. I think 97% of the time she hates me and attacks me, and 3% of the time she’s lovey dovey like the photos I’ve posted show. Her name is actually shitty kitty but we tell the vet or post with the names Sheba or Kitty Girl, which is how I call her home from the neighbors llama field. I live for her 3% personality.

By PK Anderson

Pilar Anderson is a new author publishing under the name of PK Anderson. Watch for her first series coming soon called Aspen Ridge Beginnings. The first book in the series, Visions of Aspen Ridge will be available on Amazon soon.

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