PK Anderson Writes

Halloween! Gingerbread Heart goes live!

The other day I was browsing on Facebook and came across this post on the favorite Halloween candy by state. I was surprised to see that Oregon loves Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Whenever I’ve brought a bag of candy to training, or to the office to share with co-workers, usually Twix candy bars go first. But looking at this map, I’m wondering what the heck is up with California liking Kit Kat bars. Those are not for me.

I’m pleased to announce that my first book has been put to bed. I have read and reread the documents and found as many errors to correct that I could. However, I’m fully aware that I will look at the final one and be ticked when I find the first error. It is sort of buying a new car, and then finding your first scratch on it.

Gingerbread Heart: Aspen Ridge Holiday Hearts (Book 1) will be live on October 31st. In celebration of my favorite holiday, Halloween. As all new authors I can’t help but have a fantasy that my book will be an instant hit and sell millions of copies. But I am keeping myself grounded and realize that building a following and getting my books out there will take time. And I am looking forward to the challenge.

Please have a safe Halloween. Try to create some fun Halloween traditions with your family and friends. Its my favorite time of the year. The days get darker earlier, the crisp air in the mornings, and the sunshine in the afternoon. What is not to love?

By PK Anderson

Pilar Anderson is a new author publishing under the name of PK Anderson. Watch for her first series coming soon called Aspen Ridge Beginnings. The first book in the series, Visions of Aspen Ridge will be available on Amazon soon.

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