PK Anderson Writes

For All Who Served, Thank You!

Coming from a small town, I understand how much duty and honor mean. Mr Anderson is a Navy Veteran, and served during Desert Storm. I remember Desert Storm vividly because I would stay up late at night watching the news on Public Television (we only got two channels on antenna) and I remember being scared for our future as a country. If I was that scared, I can’t imagine what it was like for anyone in battle For that, I thank them.

The only other time I remember as vividly is 9/11. At that time I was working in Downtown Portland and they put a TV in our conference room so we could wander in and out to capture the latest information. I felt so lost. Our world as we knew it changed so much.

Yesterday, I loaded up my second book, Beautiful Heart: Aspen Ridge Holiday Hearts (Book 2). It felt so good, but I was almost late in loading it. I had less than 23 hours to get it into Amazon before the Go Live Date of 11/15/20, I hope if you are reading this blog you will check it out. I will say, I loved how easy it was to write the store of Carrie Ann and Erik. Their relationship was amazing.

I am completing final edits on Romantic Heart: Aspen Ridge Holiday Hearts (Book 3). And while doing this, I realized I’m going to have to write a couple more books in this series. I love the idea of love at first sight.

Growing up in my small town, there was a couple there that were quite old. As I grew up I learned that the couple had met when she was a nurse for the Army and he was on leave for a week. They met and married and were till together after all those years. It started my obsession with finding out how people met. Which is why I started the Podcast: The Stories Women Tell.

Thank Heavens for Couch Covers. These two fatties would destroy my nice couch!

By PK Anderson

Pilar Anderson is a new author publishing under the name of PK Anderson. Watch for her first series coming soon called Aspen Ridge Beginnings. The first book in the series, Visions of Aspen Ridge will be available on Amazon soon.

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