PK Anderson Writes

Procrastination, thy name is PK Anderson

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Procrastination, thy name is PK Anderson..

So welcome to October. I think this is a tumultuous time in the United States and it feels like its going to be rocking and rolling through the end of this year. I don’t know about you, but I am very much a home body, so all the uncertainty and turmoil is stressing me out.

So today my goal was to do all final edits on my first book and then bundle it up to send off to my editor. Easier said than done. I haven’t written for two weeks because I was working 12 hours shifts for 14 days straight. I am bone weary. But I know other people do this too, so I’m really not trying to complain or get sympathy. I believe in hard work, and making your own success.

When I decided to start writing and start my own publishing company ( it took a lot of people by surprise. I realized that while my truth is that I’ve always wanted to be a writer from when I was quite small, I let my truth be tampered down and really didn’t share my dream with anyone. Most shocking was my sister not knowing I wanted to write. I used to carry notebooks with my stories I was working on with me all the time when I was young. I still carry an old school journal in my backpack to write down inspiration. So this brings me to my message to you, don’t let your truth be quenched. Follow your dreams. Figure out how to achieve them.

And speaking of dreams, I will share this cute video of kitty girl trying to get into the drawer where her kitty treats are stored. Every day I toss some out on the floor for her to scavenge (you know – hunter / gatherer ). She’s fine with the method of delivery, just not fine with the fact that I only give them once a day. She wasn’t dropping her dream so we shouldn’t either.


By PK Anderson

Pilar Anderson is a new author publishing under the name of PK Anderson. Watch for her first series coming soon called Aspen Ridge Beginnings. The first book in the series, Visions of Aspen Ridge will be available on Amazon soon.

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